Songs Stuck In My Head

Hey Peeps , I hope you all had a great time celebrating the holidays.  So today has been quite different then usual.

 As you all know the passing of George Michael which I feel deeply sorry for anyone who was close to him or a fan.

 I was listening to his music earlier this morning feeling  a sad cloud around me but , not crying about him leaving the earth without saying goodbye.

 Later on I kept getting his songs playing over and over again in my head , to a point I had to sing them out loud! The songs that got stuck in my head were: Everything she wants , Father Figure , Last Christmas. From the past few days I learned many new things about him like his personality and His soul , I’ve had looked many documentaries of his friends saying ‘ he was giving liked helping people ‘ which this does warms my heart! I just love it when people are a kind and giving heart just like me. I don’t feel like I’m the only one.

I felt that the day before his death I was listening to last Christmas without know about him going to pass the next day.

 Apparently ,his soul is traveling to many places and dimensions  playing is music and spreading joy while on the there side.

 I do have a message for you all today , Live life like there’s no tomorrow in other words Live your life as if you were not gonna be alive the next day. You never know when it’s your time , so do the things you love and spend time with people who care about you. Until next time spread the love and light to everyone around!

New Poem : A Different World

Hey Peeps , Today I want to share a poem I wrote.

It’s about…. um I’ll let you guys figure it out.


Take me to a world ,

That is filled with love , light , joy

Where the flowers are blooming daily

Where people can be silly

No Hate,

No shame,

No blame,

No Negative energy,

No controlling Machine,

No Rain in sight,

No hardships.

Take me to a different world ,

Where the clouds are pink like cotton candy

Skies that look like magic blush,

And a say called ‘Faith , trust , pixie dust!’

A different world ,

A different Life ,

A different mind ,

A different ,


The Meaning Of Life

Hey peeps , Post is gonna be about ‘The Meaning Of Life’ which I believe we’ve all hear before , but what does it really mean? Is it just an learning  experience or are we suppose to have a planned life that must be perfect?

These questions makes wonder why are we here in the first place. The answer is we are here to yes, learn about important subject matter that can help us in the long run. For an example , if you are having trouble saying something to people through – out life  but shy then , your life lesson is self- confidence.

In fact Life lessons help us find out who we are on earth. Some people believe there is incarnated angels here to be a service to humans here , of course there are other Living beings incarnated too. Like Starseeds , Angelic , Indigos , Extraterrestrials(ET) , Lightworkers. All coming from the 5th Dimension in the spirit realm.
No matter who you are or what you do, we were all connected together. Here to have an human experience.

Not what the society tells us to dress , eat , drink , behave etc. Which they don’t want us know our true inner self. What happened to Loving each other? Learning about nature ? Help others see the light within?

We need to be aware of all the surroundings that are changing by the hour. My message to all of the humans living here is Life shouldn’t be boring , annoying , worthless , because it’s not more of a fun adventure filled with never ending happiness if you only believe. Until next time try new things you haven’t done or known !


Oh and P.S. I forget to include a video so here it is enjoy!!!

My Psychic/intuitive abilities

Hey peeps , I just wanted to share something that is cool and interesting gift I have.
As you can see by the Title I have “psychic abilities”.
So yeah this one time I was chatting with my sister about many different things. Then she asked about our mother and father , I said ” I feel like they’re gonna have an argument but it’s not gonna be that big”.
Then a three days later it was morning time , me and my sister had to get ready for school.
Until we heard shouting coming from downstairs and what did ya know our parents were having a argument. I felt angry and shocked at the same time. I couldn’t believe it! I predicted it! Even my sister couldn’t believe it
Other times not like this one I predicted but not that important to say. Another ability I have is known what someone is going to say before they say it or Telepathy. I do have a couple of other abilities like clairvoyance and precognition.  Deja Vu always was in my childhood also now too. I know it’s not really psychic but I do have experiences all the time.
To wrap it up I can say I do have this strange abilities that weird me out. So my message to all is listen to your gut it may save your life or help in all ways possible!

The Truth About Religion

Hey peeps , today I wanna post about…. Religion.
Yes you heard me , the thing that everyone can’t live without. One of the big topics that gets you in an argument with friends/strangers.
In this post I will be giving insight into why Religion is such a conversation starter and things like that.
First of all , there is about seven main religions the ” Big five” are Christianity, Buddhism , Judaism , Hinduism , Islam according to Apparently , all have different beliefs and people who are associated with. I  don’t have belief in all of them, not because their imperfections but I just don’t see myself go by the rules faith it requires me to have.
I can only talk about the ends and outs of Christianity & Judaism because I know the customs better than the other ones.
Christianity, the most popular belief in the world. Millions of churches with money hungry pastors asking the church goers to ” give offering” for  the church when really going to the preacher inside.
Now you may have seen churches like this flash around other churches as “better looking” or just a competition to see which church can bring more people:
I can’t believe they do stuff like this expecting us still go to their church and give offering after offering to benefit the preachers wealth? What have the church done for us ? Like seriously!
Next is Judaism , I learned a few things about this religion that makes me wonder. They believe in God ( Like almost every religion does) ,Jesus is god , god created the universe without any help , etc. It’s like god is the only one to be worship by and the bible is often used like Christianity.  Oh another thing is  the belief in Heaven & Hell.  Sounds just like Christianity why am I not surprised? 
Although this may be a weird conclusion I have to wrap this up , feeling tired and dizzy. But I will leave you guys my final thoughts before I go
Life is meant to be a learning experience , whether you know it or not it is what it is. We don’t need to be so caught up on which religion is best why not try to learn about it. I’m sure there’s lots of text that could interest you. I personally think religion was here to divide us from who we are, instead of not trying find our purpose here on earth. I do believe god exist but I disagree with what religion says he or she is.  Until next time always thank the heavens and universe for being who you are!

The Innocent souls & The Mischievous souls : Music Industry l

Hey peeps , I just wanted to get this off my chest. Mainly about the music industry. I will not create some dumb conspiracy involving the ” The Illuminati ” no not even close , more like evil/devilish people inside the industry.

Honestly, I feel like the truth should be told to all human kind. Where to began is music. Everybody has a favorite song to listen or sing , but do you what kind of message is that singer sending? To children ? Teenagers ? Probably not. So what messages are they spreading ? I think I can answer that with of industry songwriters and producers. They are the ones who have songwriters write songs that , influence us to things we shouldn’t do

You see after the writers are done the producers have the singers sing it to make million and millions of money. Oh you might think to yourself ‘ the artist makes all the money?’ Actually no the label do which is unfair on the behalf of artist. Just think about it , You make a great Album that sold let’s say 8 million records around the world. So to you it’s a big check you hope to spend but in reality it’s not yours but the company. You freak out not remembering a contract you signed with the them stating the fees , taxes , money you owe also they own your catalog which could make more wealth.

In contrast , the music industry is fake and filled with devilish people who don’t but only money and power.

An great example is no other than Michael Jackson. He was and still is the amazing artist of all time. Reason why I included him was he was a victim of this “Mean Machine”. Every time he tries whether in his songs or in public  to expose the people behind the curtain they come up with false claims in  articles that are nothing but trash. To ruin his career and life  which of course is wrong on so many levels. I found two videos to help further explain why Michael exposed the devilish persons behind it all. Poor Michael 😦

As you saw in the videos the industry is nothing to play with or do business with.
Moving on.

There has been many Tabloid Trash around the internet lately about Michael and Madonna dated during the early 90’s some crap like that. I myself believe it’s not true!

Of course they did date but not for long, also I heard she told other tabloids bad stuff to ruin his career! Which backed fired her so.
I do indeed have some more things to say in this posts that would seem to be like ‘ roasting’ and hurt her fans ‘feelings’,  but it’s my post and I can say what ever I want !
First of all , Madonna you really should stop acting like you’re the queen of something or anything value, because you’re not! Second why did would you go and tell lies to the media right after Michael repeatedly said he didn’t like you more than a friend? Do that make any sense? Oh and to really be honest the music you sold to millions of people have no messages of good , world problems or helping to change the he world at all!
The reality is she thinks being this excuse my French “slutty whore” image would make her popular and a good message to people like me ( Teenagers ) like hey kids do you know that the only way that guy would love is being slutty like me ?! it’s okay to be a “rebel’ everybody is doing it.” Sometimes I just don’t know why people like Madonna live the way they do. Seriously  think about the children ?
Here is proof that Michael Jackson did not like Madonna ! As well of the video that started all these stupid recent tabloids look :

Note: This is not the conclusion of the post. I will make other parts to turn into a mini series to explain more people in this topic , It may be short or long.

So there is a message that needs to be said…. it’s about friends. They wanna be around without a sound , but not when you’re the clown. You can be cool by the pool with them , but not cloud them with advice that could make you think twice. the bottom line is if you’re not in their game , then you’re considered lame. Until next time peeps Music was made for us to enjoy the and beats through our souls. Not for luxury and gold!

New website

Hey, peeps I’m new to this whole web-siting thing , just trying to figure out what photos would good for the pages and other stuff. So I guess today marks the first post!

I enjoy writing but I can get tired of tying all the time. To be completely honest with you the reason why I created this website was because , there seems a need for someone to write about what we need to do, to change the world. I don’t mind being another soul to spread the awareness around the world. I absolutely care about the human race which I do call myself a Humanitarian. Ever since I was little classmates would say the same thing every time I help somebody, “why are always helping people?” , ” You don’t need to help everyone!” , “just worry about Yourself.” Did I listen to them? No.

I had this desire to help any or every people I can , which I sometimes regret and other times feel good after. Still today I do it just to see the smiles on people’s faces! It’s an addiction and I can’t stop! Can’t stop , won’t stop , not to drop!
To elaborate a bit about this website there will be posts about the following :
Spiritually, the system , school , Environment , famous celebs  , Personal stories , Being Original , Weather , Food , Music , Light & Darkness , Changing the world ,  Helping others and much more.
So my Message to all you people who are thinking about creating a website is go ahead and do it! We live in fear everyday of our lives why not fight it and be free to do what ever we want , without it getting in the way. To the people who love helping others take it from me always make time for yourself ,  I know that there are millions of people needing help , but trust me you can’t live life always giving everyone a gift but leave yourself out! So until next time always believe in a new day for other opportunities.